What is the legal position of Labour and employees in the Indian constitution?

The word Labour is a combination of physical, social, and mental efforts that are used in producing goods and services in an economy. Labour or employee is considered as one of the factors that are responsible for both production and supply of goods. India is a country where we have vast demographic variations and a large labor market, which could be an essential factor for the rising Indian economy and poverty alleviation. The labor market available in India is highly selective whether in respect of gender, region, language, caste, and religion, education and skill, etc., because of which Exploitation of labor laws are being done and they even don’t know about labor law lawyers, even though being a diverse country in amount and quality, India has yet not been able to achieve those expected heights. Therefore Indian labor laws are also various and attempt to regulate the labor policies in India.

In India, labor and employment regulations are slightly different from other similar jurisdictions with their very own distinctive features. Labour laws, regulations, rules, and policies are continually changing and adapting itself to the rapid changes taking place in the workplace due to technology advancement, digitalization, and mobility in general and in the Indian context moreover in the backdrop of the Indian Government’s initiative to make the Indian business environment investor-friendly.

 No single code for labor law is available in India. There are different laws for different areas of labor regulations. In India, both the central and state government has the power to legislate laws on labors.

Types of labor laws 

Minimum Wages Act, 1948

The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (the Minimum Wages Act) provides for fixing minimum wage rates in certain employments. States prescribes the minimum wages through notifications in the State’s Gazette under the Minimum Wages Rules of the specific State.

Payment of Wages Act, 1936

The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 (the Payment of Wages Act) is an Act to regulate wages to certain classes of employed persons. The Payment of Wages Act seeks to ensure that the employers make timely payment of wages to the employees working in the establishments and prevent unauthorized deductions from the salaries.

Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 (the “Bonus Act”) provides for the payment of bonus to persons employed in individual establishments in India either based on profits or the basis of production or productivity and applies to every establishment in which 20 or more persons are engaged and to all employees drawing remuneration of less than Rs 10,000.

 What can be done for the Protection of labor laws from exploitation?

India being a developing country with a developing economy, Economists have estimated that due to Covid 19, India faced a massive depression and high unemployment. The lockdown measures, even though it was the need of the hour, have impacted the economy. It has slowdown the supply side. Due to which a lot of laborers had to suffer even for a day’s food To protect laborers from exploitation-specific laws have been designed. The best labor lawyers are striving hard to protect vulnerable laborers. If you are a victim of this exploitation, you must consult a labor law lawyer to save you from this. For more reference, if you are in Delhi or nearby cities, you can consult the law office of Vivek Tanwar. They have the best labor law lawyers in Gurgaon